The G-Spot confuses many people.
Just like an urban legend, nobody knows whether to believe in it or not.
The thought that women have this “magical button” that provides sensational amounts of pleasure sounds a little too good to be true – especially from a man’s perspective.
Well, men, be forewarned that the G-Spot is no myth! This legend is for real…
The G-Spot is a term named after the German doctor who discovered the erogenous zone, Ernst Grafenberg.
Where is it?
The G-Spot is a small mass of tissue that is located 2 inches from the vaginal opening. It is on the anterior of the vaginal wall, and it enlarges during stimulation.
How does it work?
The G-Spot is directly connected to the orgasm center in the brain. So, when it is stimulated and orgasm occurs, the female sexual response is highly intense.
This erogenous zone can only be felt when the female is aroused – the area then swells with blood and becomes roughed and raised. Once aroused, intense sexual pleasure ensues.
How do you make it work?
The G-Spot only responds to pressure, not to touch, so not just any position will do. This is why so many women find it difficult to find their own G-Spots.
Many women find that being on top or in a sitting position during
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